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How To Stack Soil Interlocking Bricks

After Curing bricks, there are two ways to stacker interlocking bricks. one is stacking in pallet, another is stacking on the floor

How To Stack Soil Interlocking Bricks

The qualited interlocking bricks will start in the stacking soon after the removal of the ecological brick from the machine. Manufacturers around the world use various methods for stacking. But each seeks the best way to meet their particular need, such as according to physical space, employee numbers and even the daily productive quantity can determine What is the best methods for stacking their economical lego bricks.

Let's illustrate some of the methods used by our customers, but we must remember that you should use the one that best suits you, consulting a technician or expert:

Stacking in Pallet

Applied by most manufacturers, this method of stacking for curing and storage is most appropriate because interlocking lego bricks in pallet do not come in contact with the floor. Handling and loading is also more practical when using pallets.

Note: After being cured, the ecological bricks can be exposed or exposed to the weather

Stacking interlocking lego brick in pallet

Stacking on the Floor

This stacking method is used by producers who prefer to do the curing and storage process outside the Pallets, where they remain in a flat, concrete, covered place with a minimum of external interventions. They can be transferred to the pallets after three days (to complete the cure), or remain on the floor until the moment of delivery.

stacking ecological lego bricks on the floor

In both cases, they can be stacked interlocking, unilateral, overlapping or alternating, depending on the conditions of the surfaces of the floor or pallet, and it is also influenced by the type of material used, however care overload must also be maintained , because the excess of rows can compromise the bricks that are in the inferior part, after finally leaving the machine it is fragile.

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